#!/usr/bin/python3 from collections import defaultdict import datetime import email.header import email.parser import hashlib import html import html.parser import mailbox import os import pprint import re import subprocess import sys import tempfile import urllib.parse import jinja2 import tinycss basedir = "." jenv = jinja2.Environment( loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader(["templates"]), autoescape=True, ) def get_message_id(msg): """ Extract the message id from a message Note that this assumes that there is (at least) one message id. If this is not the case, it will raise an exception (currently an IndexError, but we may use something more suitable in the future). """ match = re.search(r'<(.*?)>', msg["Message-ID"]) return match.group(1) def encode_message_id(msgid): encmsgid = re.sub('[^!"$(-.0-9:=@-z|~]', lambda x: "{%02x}" % (ord(x.group(0))), msgid) return encmsgid def decode_rfc2047(s): if s is None: return None r = "" for chunk in email.header.decode_header(s): if chunk[1]: try: r += chunk[0].decode(chunk[1]) except LookupError: r += chunk[0].decode("windows-1252") except UnicodeDecodeError: r += chunk[0].decode("windows-1252") elif type(chunk[0]) == bytes: r += chunk[0].decode('us-ascii') else: r += chunk[0] return r def render_message(msg): msgtmpl = jenv.get_template("message2.html") bodyhtml = render_body(msg) context = { "msg": msg, "message_id": msg["Message-Id"], "subject": decode_rfc2047(msg["Subject"]), "from": decode_rfc2047(msg["From"]), "date": msg["Date"], "bodyhtml": bodyhtml, } msghtml = msgtmpl.render(context) return jinja2.Markup(msghtml) def save_part(msg, disposition): content_type = msg.get_content_type() extension = { "application/octet-stream": ".bin", "text/html": ".html", "text/x-vcard": ".vcf", "text/plain": ".txt", "application/x-gzip": ".gz", # more likely tar.gz, but we can't know without looking into it which we ain't "image/gif": ".gif", "text/x-c": ".c", "application/x-perl": ".pl", "application/msword": ".doc", "application/ms-tnef": ".ms-tnef", "application/x-bzip2": ".bz2", # more likely tar.bz2, but we can't know without looking into it which we ain't "application/x-shellscript": ".sh", "application/x-java-vm": ".bin", # The only instances are mis-labelled "image/png": ".png", "application/pgp-keys": ".pgp", "application/x-gunzip": ".gz", # that sort of makes sense, but not really "image/jpeg": ".jpg", "text/x-python": ".py", "text/x-java": ".java", "application/x-sh": ".sh", "text/x-patch": ".patch", "text/x-c++src": ".c++", "application/x-compressed-tar": ".tar.gz", "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text": ".odt", "text/x-perl": ".pl", "application/pgp-signature": ".pgp", "image/svg+xml": ".svg", }[content_type] name = msg.get_param("name") or "(data)" m = hashlib.sha256() payload = msg.get_payload(decode=True) m.update(payload) filename = m.hexdigest() + extension os.makedirs("parts", exist_ok=True) with open("parts/" + filename, "wb") as fh: fh.write(payload) url = "../../parts/" + filename if disposition == "_url": return url else: template_name = disposition + "_" + content_type.replace("/", "_") + ".html" bodytmpl = jenv.get_template(template_name) context = { "name": name, "url": url, } bodyhtml = bodytmpl.render(context) return bodyhtml partial_message_cache = {} def render_body(msg, extra=None): def render_text_plain(msg, extra=None): # msg.get_charset() doesn't work ct_params = dict(msg.get_params() or []) charset = ct_params.get("charset", "iso-8859-1") format = ct_params.get("format", "fixed") if format == "fixed": bodytmpl = jenv.get_template("body_text_plain.html") partbytes = msg.get_payload(decode=True) try: parttext = partbytes.decode(charset, errors="replace") except LookupError as e: # Unknown encoding? Probably win-1252 print(e, file=sys.stderr) parttext = partbytes.decode("windows-1252", errors="replace") context = { "body": parttext } return bodytmpl.render(context) elif format == "flowed": bodytmpl = jenv.get_template("body_text_plain_flowed.html") parthtml = TextFlowedPart(msg).as_string() context = { "body": jinja2.Markup(parthtml), } return bodytmpl.render(context) else: raise NotImplementedError() def render_multipart_mixed(msg, extra=None): parts = msg.get_payload() if type(parts) == str: # mislabelled, assume text/plain return render_text_plain(msg) # First, scan for parts with a content-id. A multipart/mixed shouldn't # have them, but I've seen them in the wild and it should be harmless # to support at least images. We don't want all content types, though, # because save_part doesn't support nested parts and I don't want to # fully implement what is really just a workaround for buggy software. for i, part in enumerate(msg.get_payload()): content_id = part.get("Content-Id") content_type = part.get_content_type() if content_id and content_type.startswith("image/"): if extra is None: extra = {} extra[content_id] = { "i": i, "part": part, "url": save_part(part, "_url"), } partshtml = [] for part in msg.get_payload(): partshtml.append(render_body(part, extra)) bodytmpl = jenv.get_template("body_multipart_mixed.html") context = { "parts": partshtml } return bodytmpl.render(context) def render_multipart_digest(msg, extra=None): partshtml = [] for part in msg.get_payload(): partshtml.append(render_message(part)) bodytmpl = jenv.get_template("body_multipart_digest.html") context = { "parts": partshtml } return bodytmpl.render(context) def render_message_rfc822(msg, extra=None): partshtml = [] for part in msg.get_payload(): partshtml.append(render_message(part)) bodytmpl = jenv.get_template("body_message_rfc822.html") context = { "parts": partshtml } return bodytmpl.render(context) def render_text_html(msg, extra=None): htmlpart = HTMLPart(extra) ct_params = dict(msg.get_params()) charset = ct_params.get("charset", "iso-8859-1") raw_text = msg.get_payload(decode=True).decode(charset, errors="replace") htmlpart.feed(raw_text) bodytmpl = jenv.get_template("body_text_html.html") context = { "body": jinja2.Markup(htmlpart.as_string()) } return bodytmpl.render(context) def render_text_enriched(msg, extra=None): payload = msg.get_payload(decode=True).decode(msg.get_charset() or "iso-8859-1") tepart = TextEnrichedPart(payload) bodytmpl = jenv.get_template("body_text_enriched.html") context = { "body": jinja2.Markup(tepart.as_string()) } return bodytmpl.render(context) def render_message_partial(msg, extra=None): # Default header for get_param is Content-Type whole_msg_id = msg.get_param("id") if not whole_msg_id in partial_message_cache: # For now we assume that total is present on all parts. This # isn't guarantueed, however, and we may need to handle the # case where total is only present on the last part. partial_message_cache[whole_msg_id] = [None] * int(msg.get_param("total")) payload = msg.get_payload() s = payload[0].as_string() # Only one part partial_message_cache[whole_msg_id][int(msg.get_param("number"))-1] = s if not None in partial_message_cache[whole_msg_id]: p = email.parser.Parser() whole_msg = p.parsestr("".join(partial_message_cache[whole_msg_id])) whole_msg_embedded_id = whole_msg["Message-Id"] if not whole_msg_embedded_id: whole_msg.add_header("Message-Id", "<" + whole_msg_id + ">") whole_msg_embedded_id = whole_msg_id if whole_msg["Date"] is None: whole_msg["Date"] = msg["Date"] arch.add_message(whole_msg) # XXX - global del partial_message_cache[whole_msg_id] return "
This is part %d of %d of %s
" % ( int(msg.get_param("number")), int(msg.get_param("total")), encode_message_id(whole_msg_id), html.escape(whole_msg_id)) def render_application_octet_stream(msg, extra=None): return save_part(msg, "attachment") def render_multipart_signed(msg, extra=None): content, signature = msg.get_payload() with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(buffering=0) as content_fh: content_fh.write(content.as_bytes()) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(buffering=0, suffix=".asc") as signature_fh: signature_fh.write(signature.get_payload(decode=True)) r = subprocess.run(["gpg", "--verify", signature_fh.name, content_fh.name], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) gpgresult = r.stderr # XXX - Analyze gpgresult or just use r,returncode? gpgstatus = "dubious" contenthtml = render_message(content) bodytmpl = jenv.get_template("body_multipart_signed.html") context = { "content": contenthtml, "gpgresult": gpgresult, "gpgstatus": gpgstatus, } return bodytmpl.render(context) def render_application_pgp(msg, extra=None): with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(buffering=0) as content_fh: content_fh.write(msg.get_payload(decode=True)) r = subprocess.run(["gpg", "--decrypt", content_fh.name], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ) gpgresult = r.stderr.decode() # XXX - Analyze gpgresult or just use r,returncode? gpgstatus = "dubious" decrypted_content = r.stdout p = email.parser.BytesParser() embedded_message = p.parsebytes(decrypted_content) contenthtml = render_message(embedded_message) bodytmpl = jenv.get_template("body_application_pgp.html") context = { "content": contenthtml, "gpgresult": gpgresult, "gpgstatus": gpgstatus, } return bodytmpl.render(context) def render_multipart_alternative(msg, extra=None): partshtml = [] partstypes = [] for part in msg.get_payload(): partstypes.append(part.get_content_type()) partshtml.append(render_body(part, extra)) bodytmpl = jenv.get_template("body_multipart_alternative.html") context = { "types": partstypes, "parts": partshtml, } return bodytmpl.render(context) def render_application_x_unknown_content_type_scpfile(msg, extra=None): bodytmpl = jenv.get_template("body_application_x-unknown-content-type-scpfile.html") context = { "body": msg.get_payload(decode=True).decode(msg.get_charset() or "iso-8859-1") } return bodytmpl.render(context) def render_application_pgp_signature(msg, extra=None): # A PGP signature outside of a multipart/signed - useless bodytmpl = jenv.get_template("body_application_pgp-signature.html") context = { } return bodytmpl.render(context) def render_application_x_gzip(msg, extra=None): return save_part(msg, "attachment") def render_message_news(msg, extra=None): partshtml = [] for part in msg.get_payload(): partshtml.append(render_message(part)) bodytmpl = jenv.get_template("body_message_news.html") context = { "msg": msg, "parts": partshtml, } return bodytmpl.render(context) def render_image_gif(msg, extra=None): return save_part(msg, "inline") def render_multipart_related(msg, extra=None): start = msg.get_param("start") start_part = None # collect content-ids content = {} for i, part in enumerate(msg.get_payload()): content_id = part.get("Content-Id") if start_part is None and (start is None or content_id == start): start_part = part continue if content_id: content[content_id] = { "i": i, "part": part, "url": save_part(part, "_url"), } parthtml = render_body(start_part, content) bodytmpl = jenv.get_template("body_multipart_related.html") context = { "msg": msg, "parts": [parthtml], } return bodytmpl.render(context) def render_image_jpeg(msg, extra=None): return save_part(msg, "inline") def render_message_delivery_status(msg, extra=None): bodytmpl = jenv.get_template("body_message_delivery_status.html") # A message/delivery status consists of one per-message block # followed by one or more per-recipient blocks. # Pythons message parser apparently parses each block as a message # consisting only of headers. So we just stringify and concatenate them parts = msg.get_payload() parttext = "".join([str(p) for p in parts]) context = { "body": parttext } return bodytmpl.render(context) renderers = { "text/plain": render_text_plain, "multipart/mixed": render_multipart_mixed, "multipart/digest": render_multipart_digest, "message/rfc822": render_message_rfc822, "text/html": render_text_html, "text/enriched": render_text_enriched, "message/partial": render_message_partial, "application/octet-stream": render_application_octet_stream, "multipart/signed": render_multipart_signed, "application/pgp": render_application_pgp, "multipart/alternative": render_multipart_alternative, "application/x-unknown-content-type-scpfile": render_application_x_unknown_content_type_scpfile, "application/pgp-signature": render_application_pgp_signature, "application/x-gzip": render_application_x_gzip, "message/news": render_message_news, "image/gif": render_image_gif, "multipart/related": render_multipart_related, "application/x-java-vm": render_application_octet_stream, "image/jpeg": render_image_jpeg, "application/x-compressed-tar": render_application_octet_stream, "message/delivery-status": render_message_delivery_status, "application/pgp-keys": render_application_octet_stream, } content_type = msg.get_content_type() content_disposition = msg.get_content_disposition() if content_disposition == "attachment": # XXX - not sure if we should just store all content-types. # We probably should clean up html. Alternatively we could just store # all of them application/octet-stream, which browsers should download # and not try to display. bodyhtml = save_part(msg, content_disposition) else: bodyhtml = renderers[content_type](msg, extra) return jinja2.Markup(bodyhtml) class HTMLPart(html.parser.HTMLParser): """ A text/html part This is a subclass of HTMLParser, so the handle_* methods will be invoked as appropriate during parsing. There are a few additional attributes to keep track of the state: ... attribute:: content Accumulates parts fragments of the final, cleaned up, html message as strings ... attribute:: base The base URL ... attribute:: extra Context information. This includes info about cids or references to other messages ... attribute:: hide If true, the content of the current tag is omitted from the output. This is set when encountering a start tag in hide_tags, and reset at each end tag (so it works only for leaves). ... attribute:: current_tag The current tag. Similar to hide, this is set and reset when encountering start end end tags, so it is only correct while processing a leaf element. But since we use it only for style elements, that's acceptable. """ allowed_tags = [ "h2", "a", "wbr", "hr", "pre", "img", "font", "i", "br", "table", "tr", "th", "td", "b", "select", "option", "input", "sup", "address", "center", "p", "h1", "dl", "h3", "ul", "li", "ol", "u", "blockquote", "h4", "div", "span", "style", ] hide_tags = [ "title" ] ignore_tags = [ "html", "head", "body", "marquee", "meta", "form", ] def __init__(self, extra): super().__init__() self.hide = False self.content = [] self.base = None self.extra = extra or {} self.current_tag = None def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): self.current_tag = tag if tag == "base": href = [x[1] for x in attrs if x[0] == "href"] if href: self.base = href[0] elif tag in self.allowed_tags: cleaned_attrs, extra = self.clean_attrs(tag, attrs) attrstr = "".join( [' %s="%s"' % (a[0], html.escape(a[1])) if a[1] else ' %s' % (a[0]) for a in cleaned_attrs ] ) self.content.append("<%s%s>" % ( tag, attrstr )) if extra: self.content.append(extra) elif tag in self.hide_tags: self.hide = True elif tag in self.ignore_tags: pass else: print("Encountered unknown start tag", tag, attrs, file=sys.stderr) def handle_endtag(self, tag): if tag in self.allowed_tags: self.content.append("%s>" % tag) elif tag in self.hide_tags: self.hide = False # XXX - Need stack? elif tag in self.ignore_tags: pass else: print("Encountered unknown end tag", tag, file=sys.stderr) self.current_tag = None def handle_data(self, data): if self.current_tag == "style": data = self.clean_style(data) if not self.hide: self.content.append(data) def as_string(self): return "".join(self.content) def clean_attrs(self, tag, attrs): safe_attrs = [ "border", "alt", "size", "face", "width", "height", "hspace", "cellpadding", "cellspacing", "bgcolor", "valign", "nowrap", "color", "colspan", "name", "value", "type", "align", "clear", "noshade", "type", ] clean_attrs = [] extra = None for a in attrs: if a[0] in safe_attrs: clean_attrs.append(a) elif a[0] == "href": url = a[1] url = urllib.parse.urljoin(self.base, url) u = urllib.parse.urlparse(url) if u[0] in ['https', 'http', 'ftp']: clean_attrs.append((a[0], url)) elif a[0] == "src": url = a[1] url = urllib.parse.urljoin(self.base, url) u = urllib.parse.urlparse(url) if u[0] == "cid": print("Encountered src cid attribute", a, file=sys.stderr) clean_attrs.append((a[0], self.extra["<" + u.path + ">"]["url"])) else: print("Ignored src attribute", a, file=sys.stderr) elif a[0] == "target": pass elif a[0] == "cite": if a[1].startswith("mid:"): mid = a[1][4:] encmid = encode_message_id(mid) extra = "\u2397" % encmid elif a[0] == "class": clean_attrs.append((a[0], "msg-" + a[1],)) else: print("Encountered unknown attribute", a, "in", tag, file=sys.stderr) return clean_attrs, extra def clean_style(self, stylesheet): cssparser = tinycss.make_parser() stylesheet = cssparser.parse_stylesheet(stylesheet) clean_stylesheet = "" for rule in stylesheet.rules: # first clean up selectors: Prepend "msg-" to every class or id next_is_local_id = False new_selector = [] for token in rule.selector: if next_is_local_id and token.type == "IDENT": new_id = "msg-" + token.value new_selector.append(tinycss.token_data.Token(token.type, new_id, new_id, token.unit, token.line, token.column)) else: new_selector.append(token) next_is_local_id = token.type == "DELIM" and (token.value == "." or token.value == "#") rule.selector = tinycss.token_data.TokenList(new_selector) clean_stylesheet += rule.selector.as_css() # Then clean up declarations. # We keep only declarations we recognize safe_declarations = { "background-color", "border-bottom-style", "border-color", "border-left", "border-left-style", "border-right-style", "border-style", "border-top-style", "color", "font-family", "font-size", "font-style", "font-weight", "height", "list-style", "margin", "margin-bottom", "margin-left", "margin-right", "margin-top", "padding", "padding-bottom", "padding-left", "padding-right", "padding-top", "page-break-after", "text-align", "text-decoration", "white-space", "width", } # Ignore these silently to avoid cluttering logs ignore_declarations = { "mso-ansi-font-size", "mso-ansi-language", "mso-ascii-font-family", "mso-bidi-font-family", "mso-bidi-font-size", "mso-bidi-font-weight", "mso-fareast-font-family", "mso-fareast-language", "mso-gram-e", "mso-hansi-font-family", "mso-margin-bottom-alt", "mso-margin-top-alt", "mso-outline-level", "mso-pagination", "mso-spl-e", "mso-style-link", "mso-style-name", "mso-style-next", "mso-style-noshow", "mso-style-parent", "mso-style-priority", "mso-style-type", "page", # doesn't exist in CSS 2.2 "panose-1", # doesn't exist in CSS 2.2 "text-underline", # doesn't exist in CSS 2.2 } new_declarations = [] for declaration in rule.declarations: if declaration.name in safe_declarations: new_declarations.append(declaration) elif declaration.name == "background-image": # check if URL is cid, discard if not ok = False if len(declaration.value) == 1: if declaration.value[0].type == "URI": if declaration.value[0].value.startswith("cid:"): print("accepting url", declaration.value[0].value) # Get the real converted url here new_declarations.append( parser.parse_style_attr("background-image: url(/whatever.png)")[0][0] ) ok = True if not ok: print("ignoring unsafe CSS property", declaration) pass elif declaration.name in ignore_declarations: pass else: print("ignoring unknown CSS property", declaration.name) clean_stylesheet += " {\n" for declaration in new_declarations: clean_stylesheet += "\t" + declaration.name + ":" + declaration.value.as_css() + ";\n" clean_stylesheet += "}\n\n" return clean_stylesheet class TextEnrichedPart: class TEElement: def __init__(self, t, parent): self.type = t.lower() self.content = [] if self.type == "nofill": self.filled = False elif parent: self.filled = parent.filled else: self.filled = True def append_text(self, s): s = s.replace("<<", "<") if self.filled: s = re.sub(r'\n+', lambda m: m.group(0)[1:] if len(m.group(0)) > 1 else " ", s) self.content.append(s) def as_string(self): if self.type == "": pre = "\n" prev_quote_depth += 1 while ln["quote_depth"] < prev_quote_depth: s += "\n" prev_quote_depth -= 1 if ln["flowed"]: s += "
" + html.escape(ln["content"]) + "
\n" else: s += "" + html.escape(ln["content"]) + "
\n" while 0 < prev_quote_depth: s += "" prev_quote_depth -= 1 return s class Message: def __init__(self, msg): self.msgid = get_message_id(msg) print("M", self.msgid, file=sys.stderr) self.encmsgid = encode_message_id(self.msgid) self.date = email.utils.parsedate_to_datetime(msg["Date"]) # In-Reply-To headers with more than one message-id are rare, but # standard-conforming, and some MUAs (e.g., mutt) create them. in_reply_to = msg["In-Reply-To"] if in_reply_to: if isinstance(in_reply_to, email.header.Header): in_reply_to = in_reply_to.encode() in_reply_to_msgids = re.findall(r'<(.*?)>', in_reply_to) else: in_reply_to_msgids = [] references = msg["References"] if references: references_msgids = re.findall(r'<(.*?)>', references) else: references_msgids = [] for msgid in in_reply_to_msgids: if msgid not in references_msgids: references_msgids.append(msgid) if not in_reply_to_msgids and references_msgids: in_reply_to_msgid = [references_msgids[-1]] self.in_reply_to = in_reply_to_msgids self.references = references_msgids self.mfrom = decode_rfc2047(msg["From"]) self.subject = decode_rfc2047(msg["Subject"]) self.msg = msg self.kids = False if self.date.tzinfo is None: # If timezone is missing, assume local time self.date = self.date.astimezone() def __repr__(self): return ( self.msgid + " " + self.date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%z") + " [" + ", ".join(self.references) + "]" ) def webify(self): msg = self.msg mid = self.msgid print("M", mid, file=sys.stderr) encmid = self.encmsgid msgdir = basedir + "/msg/" + encmid os.makedirs(msgdir, exist_ok=True) with open(msgdir + "/index.html", "w") as hfd: msgtmpl = jenv.get_template("message.html") bodyhtml = render_body(msg) context = { "list": "LUGA", "message_id": mid, "subject": decode_rfc2047(msg["Subject"]), "from": decode_rfc2047(msg["From"]), "date": msg["Date"], "bodyhtml": bodyhtml, "threadhtml": self.thread.as_html(), "threadindex": self.threadindex(), } msghtml = msgtmpl.render(context) hfd.write(msghtml) def threadindex(self): return self.thread.index(self) # For each message-id, record the thread it belongs to. # This should probably be an instance variable of Archive instead of global, # but for it doesn't matter. msg2thread = {} class Thread: def __init__(self, archive): self.archive = archive self.messages = {} self.threadid = None self._as_html = None def add_message(self, msg): self.messages[msg.msgid] = msg self.archive.msg2thread[msg.msgid] = self msg.thread = self def merge_thread(self, other): for msg in other.messages.values(): self.add_message(msg) def __repr__(self): if self.threadid: s = self.threadid else: s = str(id(self)) if self.messages: s += " {" + ", ".join(self.messages.keys()) + "}" return s def fixup_in_reply_tos(self): # Fix up some problems with in_reply_to: # Sometimes an in_reply_to refers to a message which isn't in the # archive. Add a dummy message if this happens. # Sometimes an in_reply_to refers to a message with a later date. # In this case one of the two date headers must be wrong. We could try # to analyze other headers (especially received), but for now we just # assume that it is the referrer (although in the example I'm # currently looking at it is the referree) and adjust that. We should # preserve the original date header, though. Use separate sort_date and # date? missing = set() for m in self.messages.values(): for r in m.in_reply_to: if r not in self.messages: missing.add(r) for r in missing: firstdate = sorted(self.messages.values(), key=lambda x: x.date)[0].date missingdate = firstdate - datetime.timedelta(seconds=1) msg = email.message.EmailMessage() msg["Message-Id"] = f"<{r}>" msg["Date"] = missingdate msg["From"] = "unknown@invalid" msg["Subject"] = "(not in archive)" self.add_message(Message(msg)) dates_ok = False while not dates_ok: dates_ok = True for m in self.messages.values(): for r in m.in_reply_to: rr = self.messages[r] if rr.date >= m.date: m.date = rr.date + datetime.timedelta(seconds=1) dates_ok = False def as_html(self): if self._as_html: # This method isn't that expensive, but it isn't idempotent - so we # must not run the algorithm twice on the same thread. Therefore we # remember the result and return it on subsequent runs. s = self._as_html return jinja2.Markup(s) self.fixup_in_reply_tos() y = 0 x = 0 nodes = [] edges = [] lines = [] for m in sorted(self.messages.values(), key=lambda x: x.date): # We have already fudged the in_reply_to field to always contain # the latest reference(s), so we only need to consider that if len(m.in_reply_to) == 0: if y == 0: # first message in thread # Just add a node nodes.append((x, y, m.encmsgid)) m.x = x m.y = y else: # Not in reply to anything, but not the start of the thread # either. This will happen if fixup_in_reply_tos adds more # than one dummy message, but it might also happen if we # use different criteria for matching threads (e.g. Subject # or Thread-Index) # Just start a new column to get out of the way x += 1 nodes.append((x, y, m.encmsgid)) m.x = x m.y = y elif len(m.in_reply_to) == 1: p = self.messages[m.in_reply_to[0]] if p.kids: # The parent already has kids, so we must move to the side # to avoid running an edge through an existing kid. We # could use a sophisticated algorithm to find the best # position here, but I think it sufficient to just start a # new column. This may waste some space (there might have # been a suitable position in the existing columns, but it # will avoid collisions and is very simple. x += 1 m.x = x m.y = y else: # Just put the new kid directly below the parent m.x = p.x m.y = y nodes.append((m.x, m.y, m.encmsgid)) edges.append((p.x, p.y, m.x, m.y)) p.kids = True else: # Generic case with multiple references. # I think this should always work well if we start a new # column. There may be special cases where we can avoid it, not # sure. x += 1 m.x = x m.y = y nodes.append((m.x, m.y, m.encmsgid)) for r in m.in_reply_to: p = self.messages[r] edges.append((p.x, p.y, m.x, m.y)) lines.append((m.date, m.mfrom or "(no sender)", m.subject or "(no subject)", m.encmsgid)) y += 1 s = "" r = 4 fx = 16 fy = 32 s += f"" s += " | " # XXX - escape! s += f"{lines[0][0]} | " s += f"{html.escape(lines[0][1])} | " s += f"{html.escape(lines[0][2])} | " s += "
{ln[0]} | " s += f"{html.escape(ln[1])} | " s += f"{html.escape(ln[2])} | " s += "