
52 lines
928 B

use warnings;
use strict;
use Test::More tests => 3;
BEGIN { use_ok( 'TimeSeries' ); }
my $ts = TimeSeries->new(output_format => 'ps');
ok($ts, 'create timeseries');
$ts->add(0, 100);
$ts->add(1000, 200);
$ts->add(2000, 100);
$ts->add(3000, undef);
$ts->add(4000, 150);
$ts->add(5000, 200);
$ts->add(6000, 100);
my $p = $ts->plot();
# Postscript file visually inspected and copied postscript code.
# The real graph is the MLLMLL pattern. The MVVVL after it is the
# bounding rectangle, so we could compute if the coordinates are
# correct, if we wanted to.
# open(my $fh, '>:raw', "t/3missing.ps");
# print $fh $p;
# close($fh);
my $t = "
6607 4807 M
303 0 V
410 960 M
1513 4920 L
2617 960 L
4823 2940 M
5927 4920 L
7030 960 L
1.000 UL
410 960 M
6620 0 V
0 3960 V
-6620 0 V
410 960 L
1.000 UP
ok(index($p, $t) != -1, 'postscript output looks ok');