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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
=head1 NAME
tsplotv - plot time series given in vertical format
[--legend-position pos]
[--output-format format ]
[--style style]
2007-10-11 16:22:40 +02:00
[file ...]
This program expects time series data in vertical format, I.e.,
2007-10-11 16:22:40 +02:00
each line contains a tab-separated tripel <time, series, value>.
The default legend position is "top right", same as with gnuplot.
Another frequently useful position (especially if you have lots of series)
2007-10-11 16:22:40 +02:00
is "below". Note that positions which consist of several words (such as
"top right" need to be passed to tsplotv as a single argument, so the
space needs to be hidden from the shell by use of quotes or a backslash.
The default output format is "png", the default style is "lines".
See L<TimeSeries> for a description of possible legend positions,
output formats, and styles.
The --stacked option causes the time series to be stacked on top of each
use strict;
use TimeSeries;
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
my $help;
my $legend_position = 'top right';
my $output_format ='png';
my $stacked = 0;
my $style = "lines";
2007-09-06 09:11:14 +02:00
my $log_y =0;
GetOptions('help|?' => \$help,
2007-09-06 09:11:14 +02:00
'legend_position|legend-position=s' => \$legend_position,
'output_format|output-format=s' => \$output_format,
'stacked' => \$stacked,
'style:s' => \$style,
'log_y|log-y' => \$log_y,
) or pod2usage(2);
pod2usage(1) if $help;
binmode STDOUT, ':raw';
my %series;
my $ns;
my %data;
my $ts = TimeSeries->new(output_format => $output_format);
while (<>) {
my ($timestamp, $series, $value) = split(/\t/);
$series{$series} = ++$ns unless ($series{$series});
$data{$timestamp}{$series} = $value;
my @series = sort { $series{$a} <=> $series{$b} } keys %series;
2007-09-06 09:11:14 +02:00
for my $timestamp (sort keys %data) {
my %d = %{$data{$timestamp}};
my @values = @d{@series};
$ts->add_timestring($timestamp, @values);
my $g = $ts->plot();
print $g