#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w =head1 NAME groupmatch - find best matching group for list of users =head1 SYNOPSIS groupmatch [--cut value] [--allmembers] [--debug] user ... =head1 DESCRIPTION This script takes a list of users and prints the group(s) which are the closest match (i.e. have the least number of missing or superfluous users). For each group, the gid, group name, number of differences, and list of users which are missing (marked (-)) or too much (+) is printed. =head2 Options =over 4 =item --cut value Sets the cutoff value. Only groups with at most this number of differences to the specified list of users are printed. By default the cutoff value is set so that only the best matching group(s) are printed. =item --allmembers Prints all members of the group, not only the differences to the specified list. Users which are already in the group are marked (*). =item --debug Prints some debug output to stderr. =back =head1 AUTHOR Peter J. Holzer =head1 SEE ALSO id(1) =cut use strict; use Getopt::Long; sub diffsym { my ($diff) = @_; if ($diff == 0) { return "*"; } if ($diff < 0) { return "-"; } if ($diff > 0) { return "+"; } return "?"; } my $cut = undef; my $debug = 0; my $allmembers = 0; GetOptions("cut=i" => \$cut, "debug" => \$debug, "allmembers" => \$allmembers); my $gr = {}; my @gr; while (@gr = getgrent) { my ($name,$passwd,$gid,$members) = @gr; for my $i (split(/ /, $members)) { print STDERR "getgrent: $gid: $i\n" if($debug); $gr->{$gid}->{Members}->{$i} = 1; $gr->{$gid}->{Name} = $name; } } my @pw; while (@pw = getpwent()) { my ($name,$passwd,$uid,$gid, $quota,$comment,$gcos,$dir,$shell,$expire) = @pw; print STDERR "getpwent: $gid: $name\n" if($debug); $gr->{$gid}->{Members}->{$name} = 1; } for my $g (keys %$gr) { for my $u (@ARGV) { $gr->{$g}->{Members}->{$u}--; } my $score = 0; for my $u (keys(%{$gr->{$g}->{Members}})) { $score += abs($gr->{$g}->{Members}->{$u}); } print STDERR "$g: $score\n" if($debug); $gr->{$g}->{Score} = $score; } if ($debug) { print STDERR "\nScore list:\n"; for my $g (keys %$gr) { print STDERR "$g: ", $gr->{$g}->{Score}, "\n"; } print STDERR "\n"; } for my $g (sort { $gr->{$a}->{Score} <=> $gr->{$b}->{Score} } keys %$gr) { $cut = $gr->{$g}->{Score} unless ($cut); next unless ($gr->{$g}->{Name}); last if ($gr->{$g}->{Score} > $cut); print "$g: ", $gr->{$g}->{Name}, ": ", $gr->{$g}->{Score}, ": "; for my $u (sort keys(%{$gr->{$g}->{Members}})) { if ($allmembers || $gr->{$g}->{Members}->{$u}) { print "$u(", diffsym($gr->{$g}->{Members}->{$u}), ") "; } } print "\n"; }