Short (and probably not entirely accurate) installation instructions: On the host where you want to keep the backups. 1) Install the software with perl Build.PL# ./Build ./Build install (the ./Build test step should be skipped for now - it works only if the DB has been initialized and when running as root) 2) create a user simba_ca with uid 0 (the user needs at least the CAP_CHOWN, CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE, CAP_FOWNER capabilities). 3) create a mysql database, initialize it using schema.mysql and store the dbi connection string, username and password in ~simba_ca/.dbi/simba 4) create an SSH private key for simba_ca. 5) create a large filesystem and mount it on /backup. For each host you want to backup: 6) Install the software as in 1). 7) create a user simba_da with uid 0 (the user needs at least the CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE capability). 8) Add the public key created in 4) to ~simba_da/.ssh/authorized_keys (you may want to restrict access to the command /usr/local/bin/da) 9) Test whether you can connect from simba_ca to simba_da: ssh -i ~simba_ca/.ssh/id_rsa 10) create a config file /etc/simba/da.conf to exclude filesystems you don't want to backup: --- prune: - /proc - /sys - /dev - /backup Finally: 11) Add the filesets you want to backup to the filesets table: insert into filesets(host, dir) values('host1', '/'); insert into filesets(host, dir) values('host2', '/mydata'); 12) copy the backup script to a convenient location, modify it if necessary, and start it. If all goes well, add it to cron.