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2006-10-02 12:56:36 +02:00
package Simba::CA;
use strict;
use warnings;
2006-10-02 12:56:36 +02:00
use Encode;
use IPC::Open2;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use Simba::Util qw(quote unquote typestr);
use Readonly;
use Digest::SHA1;
use List::Util qw(min);
use IO::Handle;
use File::stat;
use Scalar::Util qw(tainted);
Readonly my $BUFSIZE => 128 * 1024;
2006-10-02 12:56:36 +02:00
sub new {
my ($class) = @_;
my $self = {};
bless $self, $class;
2006-11-20 12:26:30 +01:00
$self->{basedir} = '/backup';
2006-10-02 12:56:36 +02:00
$self->{targets} = [
2006-11-20 12:26:30 +01:00
{ host => 'localhost', dir => '/var/tmp', },
2006-10-02 12:56:36 +02:00
return $self;
sub run {
my ($self) = @_;
# run sequentially for prototype. In production we probably
# want some concurrency
for my $target (@{$self->{targets}}) {
sub backup2disk {
my ($self, $target) = @_;
# get previous generation
my @dirs = glob($self->{basedir} . '/????-??-??T??.??.??/' . $target->{host} . '/' . $target->{dir});
$self->{last_backup} = $dirs[-1];
$self->{last_backup} = $1 if $self->{last_backup} =~ /(.*)/; # detaint
my $timestamp = $self->{timestamp} || strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H.%M.%S', localtime);
$self->{this_backup} = $self->{basedir} . "/$timestamp/" . $target->{host} . '/' . $target->{dir};
2006-10-02 12:56:36 +02:00
my ($list_pid, $list_cfd, $list_dfd); # connection to get list of files
my ($file_pid, $file_cfd, $file_dfd); # connection to get content of files
$list_pid = open2($list_dfd, $list_cfd, "/usr/bin/ssh", "-l", "simba_da", $target->{host}, "da");
$list_cfd->printflush("list $target->{dir}\n"); # XXX - encode!
2006-10-02 12:56:36 +02:00
while (<$list_dfd>) {
# split into fields
my $f = $self->parse($_);
# if file is already present
if ($f->{t} eq 'f') {
if($self->present($f)) {
link("$self->{last_backup}/$f->{name}", "$self->{this_backup}/$f->{name}") or die; # XXX
} else {
# else request from da
unless ($file_pid) {
$file_pid = open2($file_dfd, $file_cfd, "/usr/bin/ssh", "-l", "simba_da", $target->{host}, "da");
$file_cfd->printflush("get $target->{dir}/$f->{name}\n"); # XXX - encode!
my $header = <$file_dfd>; # this should be the same as $_ - check?
if ($header =~ /^data (.*)/) {
my $f2 = $self->parse($1);
open(my $file_bfd, '>:raw', "$self->{this_backup}/$f->{name}") or die; # XXX
my $size = $f2->{s};
my $err;
my $sha1 = Digest::SHA1->new;
while ($size > 0) {
my $buffer;
my $rc = read($file_dfd, $buffer, min($size, $BUFSIZE));
if (!defined($rc)) {
# I/O error
print STDERR "error reading from data socket: $!";
} elsif ($rc == 0) {
# premature EOF.
print STDERR "unexpected EOF reading from data socket";
$size -= length($buffer);
my $trailer = <$file_dfd>; # should be empty line
$trailer = <$file_dfd>;
if ($trailer =~ /^fail /) {
print STDERR $trailer;
} elsif ($trailer =~ /^chk sha1 (\w+)/) {
if ($sha1->hexdigest ne $1) {
print STDERR "checksum error\n";
} else {
print STDERR "unexpected trailer $trailer\n";
} else {
print STDERR "unexpected header $header\n";
2006-10-02 12:56:36 +02:00
} elsif ($f->{t} eq 'd') {
my $d = "$self->{this_backup}/$f->{name}";
$d =~ s,//+,/,g;
mkdir_p($d) or die "cannot mkdir $d: $!"; # XXX
2006-11-28 17:27:59 +01:00
} elsif ($f->{t} eq 'l') {
my $l = "$self->{this_backup}/$f->{name}";
symlink($f->{lt}, $l) or die "cannot symlink $l -> $f->{lt}: $!"; # XXX
# $self->setmeta($f); ignore for symlinks. would need to use
# lchown, lchmod, etc.
2006-10-02 12:56:36 +02:00
} else {
# create local copy (or insert into DB only?)
print STDERR "ignored $_\n";
2006-10-02 12:56:36 +02:00
# insert into DB.
sub parse {
my ($self, $s) = @_;
my @s = split(/ +/, $s);
my $f = {};
$f->{name} = shift @s;
$f->{name} = $1 if ($f->{name} =~ /(.*)/); # detaint XXX
for (@s) {
my ($k, $v) = split(/=/, $_, 2);
$f->{$k} = $v;
# special processing for permissions etc, here?
$f->{o} = unquote($f->{o});
$f->{g} = unquote($f->{g});
$f->{acl} = unquote($f->{acl});
$f->{m} = $1 if $f->{m} =~ /^(\d+)$/;
2006-11-28 17:27:59 +01:00
$f->{lt} = unqote($f->{lt}) if defined $f->{lt};
return $f;
sub present {
my ($self, $f) = @_;
return unless $self->{last_backup};
my $st = lstat("$self->{last_backup}/$f->{name}");
return unless $st;
if ($st->mtime == $f->{m} &&
$st->size == $f->{s} &&
$st->uid == name2uid($f->{o}) &&
$st->gid == name2gid($f->{g}) &&
($st->mode & 07777) == $self->acl2mode($f)
) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
sub mkdir_p {
my ($dir, $perm) = @_;
$perm = 0777 unless(defined($perm));
if (-d $dir) {
return 1;
} elsif (mkdir($dir, $perm)) {
return 1;
} elsif ($!{ENOENT}) {
my $parentdir = $dir;
$parentdir =~ s|(.*)/.+|$1|;
mkdir_p($parentdir, $perm);
if (-d $dir) {
return 1;
} else {
return mkdir($dir, $perm);
} else {
return undef;
2006-11-20 12:26:30 +01:00
sub basedir {
my ($self, $dir) = @_;
$self->{basedir} = $dir if defined($dir);
return $self->{basedir};
sub targets {
my ($self, $targets) = @_;
$self->{targets} = $targets if defined($targets);
return $self->{targets};
sub add_target {
my ($self, $target) = @_;
push @{ $self->{targets} }, $target;
return $self->{targets};
my %permstrbits = (
'---' => 0,
'--x' => 1,
'-w-' => 2,
'-wx' => 3,
'r--' => 4,
'r-x' => 5,
'rw-' => 6,
'rwx' => 7,
sub setmeta {
my ($self, $f) = @_;
my $fn = "$self->{this_backup}/$f->{name}";
print STDERR "$fn is tainted!" if tainted($fn);
my $mode = $self->acl2mode($f);
print STDERR "$mode is tainted!" if tainted($mode);
chmod($mode, $fn);
chown(name2uid($f->{o}), name2gid($f->{g}), $fn);
utime(time, $f->{m}, $fn);
# computes the mode from the acl (and the set[ug]id and sticky bits)
# and returns it. Optional ACL entries are currently ignored but should
# eventually be returned as a second value.
sub acl2mode {
my ($self, $f) = @_;
my $mode = 0;
if ($f->{acl}) {
for my $ace (split(',', $f->{acl})) {
if ($ace =~ /^u::(...)$/) {
$mode |= ($permstrbits{$1} << 6);
} elsif ($ace =~ /^g::(...)$/) {
$mode |= ($permstrbits{$1} << 3);
} elsif ($ace =~ /^o:(...)$/) {
$mode |= ($permstrbits{$1} << 0);
} else {
$self->log(5, "warning: unknown ACE $ace ignored");
if ($f->{setuid}) { $mode |= 04000 }
if ($f->{setgid}) { $mode |= 02000 }
if ($f->{sticky}) { $mode |= 01000 }
return $mode;
my %ucache;
sub name2uid {
my ($uname) = @_;
$uname = $1 if $uname =~ /(.*)/; # detaint
return $ucache{$uname} if (defined $ucache{$uname});
if ($uname =~ /^\d+$/) {
return $ucache{$uname} = $uname;
} else {
my $uid = getpwnam($uname);
if (defined($uid)) {
return $ucache{$uname} = $uid;
} else {
return $ucache{$uname} = -2;
my %gcache;
sub name2gid {
my ($gname) = @_;
$gname = $1 if $gname =~ /(.*)/; # detaint
return $gcache{$gname} if (defined $gcache{$gname});
if ($gname =~ /^\d+$/) {
return $gcache{$gname} = $gname;
} else {
my $gid = getgrnam($gname);
if (defined($gid)) {
return $gcache{$gname} = $gid;
} else {
return $gcache{$gname} = -2;
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