540 lines
20 KiB
540 lines
20 KiB
import datetime
import json
import logging
import math
import time
from flask import (Flask, request, jsonify, abort, render_template_string, render_template)
from markupsafe import Markup
from ltsdb_json import LTS
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Dashboard:
def __init__(self, filename="dashboard.json"):
with open (filename) as fh:
d = json.load(fh)
self.title = d["title"]
log.debug("title = “%s”", self.title)
self.description = d["description"]
self.widgets = []
for w in d["widgets"]:
if w["type"] == "timeseries":
# XXX - currently just a copy of the gauge code,
# but I want to add support for timeseries graphs with
# multiple series later so this will change
if w.get("multi"):
ts_list = LTS.find(w["data"][0])
for ts in ts_list:
tso = LTS(id=ts)
except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as e:
log.error("%s contains bad data: %s: Skipping", ts, e)
if not tso.data:
log.warning("%s has no data: Skipping", tso.id)
if tso.data[-1][0] < time.time() - 7 * 86400:
log.info("%s too old; Skipping", tso.id)
w1 = {**w, "data": [ts]}
elif w["type"] == "gauge":
if w.get("multi"):
ts_list = LTS.find(w["data"][0])
for ts in ts_list:
tso = LTS(id=ts)
if not tso.data:
log.warning("%s has no data: Skipping", tso.id)
if tso.data[-1][0] < time.time() - 86400:
log.info("%s too old; Skipping", tso.id)
w1 = {**w, "data": [ts]}
# Sort widgets by ascending healthscore to get the most critical at the
# top.
self.widgets.sort(key=lambda w: w.healthscore())
def as_html(self):
return render_template("dashboard.html", dashboard=self)
class Widget:
def __init__(self, d):
self.type = d["type"]
self.stops = d["stops"]
self.yscale = d.get("yscale", "linear")
self.extra = {}
log.debug("data = %s", d["data"])
self.lts = LTS(id=d["data"][0]) # by default we handle only one data source
self.lastvalue = self.lts.data[-1][1]
def as_html(self):
return Markup(render_template("widget.html", widget=self))
def healthscore(self, value=None):
Return a score between 0 (unhealthy) and 100 (healthy)
if value == None:
value = self.lastvalue
log.debug("stops = %s", self.stops)
stops = self.stops
if stops[-1] < stops[0]:
value = -value
stops = [-v for v in stops]
if value <= stops[0]:
return 100
if value >= stops[-1]:
return 0
for i in range(0, len(stops) - 1):
if stops[i] <= value < stops[i+1]:
log.debug("at stop %d", i)
return 100 - ((value - stops[i]) / (stops[i+1] - stops[i]) + i) * 100 / (len(stops) - 1)
def criticalcolor(self, value=None):
healthscore = self.healthscore(value)
hue = round(healthscore * 120 / 100)
brightness = 30
return f"hsl({hue}, 100%, {brightness}%)"
def description_formatted(self):
s = "<table class='description'>"
for d, v in self.lts.description.items():
if v:
s += render_template_string(
d=d, v=v)
for d, v in self.extra.items():
if v:
s += render_template_string(
"<tr class='extra'><th>{{d}}:</th><td>{{v}}</td></tr>",
d=d, v=v)
s += "</table>"
return Markup(s)
class TimeSeries(Widget):
def __init__(self, d):
def graph(self):
def t2x(t):
x = n - math.log((t_last - t) / (n*dt) + 1) * n / k
return x
def v2y(v):
if self.yscale == "log":
return (1 - math.log(max(v, min_value) / min_value)
/ math.log(max_value / min_value)
) * 200
except ValueError:
log.error(f"ValueError: v = {v}, min_value = {min_value}, max_value = {max_value}")
return 0
elif self.yscale == "linear":
return (1 - v/max_value) * 200
raise ValueError(f"Unknown yscale {self.yscale}")
def set_x_tickmarks():
tickmarks = []
t = v_data[-1]["t"]
x = v_data[-1]["x"]
d = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(t)
tickmarks.append({"t": t, "t_h": d.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), "x": x})
min_step = 25
steps = ("s", "m", "h", "D", "10D", "M", "Y")
step_i = 0
while step_i < len(steps):
t0 = tickmarks[-1]["t"]
x0 = tickmarks[-1]["x"]
d0 = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(t0)
log.debug("step_i = %s", step_i)
if steps[step_i] == "s":
d1 = datetime.datetime(d0.year, d0.month, d0.day, d0.hour, d0.minute, d0.second)
t1 = d1.timestamp()
x1 = t2x(t1)
if x0 - x1 < min_step:
d1 -= datetime.timedelta(seconds=1)
t1 = d1.timestamp()
x1 = t2x(t1)
if x0 - x1 < min_step:
step_i += 1
if steps[step_i] == "m":
d1 = datetime.datetime(d0.year, d0.month, d0.day, d0.hour, d0.minute)
t1 = d1.timestamp()
x1 = t2x(t1)
if x0 - x1 < min_step:
d1 -= datetime.timedelta(minutes=1)
t1 = d1.timestamp()
x1 = t2x(t1)
if x0 - x1 < min_step:
step_i += 1
if steps[step_i] == "h":
d1 = datetime.datetime(d0.year, d0.month, d0.day, d0.hour)
t1 = d1.timestamp()
x1 = t2x(t1)
if x0 - x1 < min_step:
d1 -= datetime.timedelta(hours=1)
t1 = d1.timestamp()
x1 = t2x(t1)
if x0 - x1 < min_step:
step_i += 1
if steps[step_i] == "D":
d1 = datetime.datetime(d0.year, d0.month, d0.day)
t1 = d1.timestamp()
x1 = t2x(t1)
if x0 - x1 < min_step:
d1 -= datetime.timedelta(days=1)
t1 = d1.timestamp()
x1 = t2x(t1)
if x0 - x1 < min_step:
step_i += 1
if steps[step_i] == "10D":
year = d0.year
month = d0.month
day = d0.day
if day > 21:
day = 21
elif day > 11:
day = 11
elif day > 1:
day = 1
day = 21
month -= 1
if month < 1:
month += 12
year -= 1
d1 = datetime.datetime(year, month, day)
t1 = d1.timestamp()
x1 = t2x(t1)
if x0 - x1 < min_step:
if day > 21:
day = 21
elif day > 11:
day = 11
elif day > 1:
day = 1
day = 21
month -= 1
if month < 1:
month += 12
year -= 1
d1 = datetime.datetime(year, month, day)
t1 = d1.timestamp()
x1 = t2x(t1)
if x0 - x1 < min_step:
step_i += 1
if steps[step_i] == "M":
d1 = datetime.datetime(d0.year, d0.month, 1)
t1 = d1.timestamp()
x1 = t2x(t1)
if x0 - x1 < min_step:
if d1.month > 1:
d1 = datetime.datetime(d1.year, d1.month-1, 1)
d1 = datetime.datetime(d1.year-1, 12, 1)
t1 = d1.timestamp()
x1 = t2x(t1)
if x0 - x1 < min_step:
step_i += 1
if steps[step_i] == "Y":
d1 = datetime.datetime(d0.year, 1, 1)
t1 = d1.timestamp()
x1 = t2x(t1)
if x0 - x1 < min_step:
d1 = datetime.datetime(d1.year-1, 1, 1)
t1 = d1.timestamp()
x1 = t2x(t1)
if x0 - x1 < min_step:
log.debug("t0 = %s, x0 = %s, t1 = %s, x1 = %s", t0, x0, t1, x1)
step_i += 1
if x1 < 0:
tickmarks.append({"t": t1, "t_h": d1.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), "x": x1})
if tickmarks[-1]["x"] > min_step:
t = v_data[0]["t"]
x = v_data[0]["x"]
d = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(t)
tickmarks.append({"t": t, "t_h": d.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), "x": x})
self.x_tickmarks = tickmarks
def set_y_tickmarks():
unit = self.lts.description["unit"]
self.y_tickmarks = []
if self.yscale == "linear":
if unit == "s" and max_value > 3600:
if max_value >= 16 * 7 * 86400:
step = 4 * 7 * 86400
step_d = 4
unit = "w"
elif max_value >= 4 * 7 * 86400:
step = 7 * 86400
step_d = 1
unit = "w"
elif max_value >= 10 * 86400:
step = 3 * 86400
step_d = 3
unit = "d"
elif max_value >= 4 * 86400:
step = 86400
step_d = 1
unit = "d"
elif max_value >= 4 * 3600:
step = 3600
step_d = 1
unit = "h"
step = 10 * 60
step_d = 10
unit = "m"
v = 0
v_d = 0
while v < max_value:
y = v2y(v)
log.debug("v = %s, y = %s", v, y)
self.y_tickmarks.append({"y": y, "v_h": f"{v_d} {unit}"})
v += step
v_d += step_d
step = 10 ** math.floor(math.log10(max_value))
v = 0
while v < max_value:
y = v2y(v)
log.debug("v = %s, y = %s", v, y)
self.y_tickmarks.append({"y": y, "v_h": str(v)})
v += step
elif self.yscale == "log":
if unit == "s" and max_value > 3600:
steps = (
(3600, "1 h"),
(86400, "1 d"),
(7*86400, "1 w"),
(28*86400, "4 w"),
(365*86400, "1 y"),
(3652.5 * 86400, "10 y"),
for s in steps:
if min_value <= s[0] <= max_value:
self.y_tickmarks.append({"y": v2y(s[0]), "v_h": s[1]})
v = 10 ** math.ceil(math.log10(min_value))
log.debug("v = %s", v)
if v > max_value:
# Implement that when it happens
log.warning("No tickmark between %s and %s", min_value, max_value)
while v <= max_value:
y = v2y(v)
log.debug("v = %s, y = %s", v, y)
self.y_tickmarks.append({"y": y, "v_h": str(v)})
v *= 10
raise ValueError(f"Unknown yscale {self.yscale}")
log.debug("in graph for %s", self.lts.id)
data = self.lts.data
n = len(data)
t_last = data[-1][0]
if len(data) < 5:
return "(not enough data)"
dt = (t_last - data[-5][0]) / 4
k = math.log((t_last - data[0][0]) / dt / n + 1)
log.debug("times = [%s ... %s ... %s]", data[0][0], data[-5][0], data[-1][0])
max_value = max([d[3] if len(d) >= 4 else d[1] for d in self.lts.data])
max_value = max(max_value, 0.001) # ensure positive
unit = self.lts.description["unit"]
if self.yscale == "log":
min_value = min(d[1] for d in self.lts.data if d[1] > 0)
if unit == "s":
self.extra["min"] = "%g" % min_value + " (" + self.format_time(min_value) + ")"
self.extra["min"] = "%g" % min_value
except ValueError:
# no non-negative values
min_value = max_value / 2
if any(True for d in self.lts.data if d[1] < min_value):
# if there are values smaller than the minimum (i.e.
# 0 or negative unless we have a configured minimum)
# reduce the minimum again so that we have a distinct
# value to clamp to.
min_value /= 2
if min_value == max_value:
# Make sure min_value is less than max_value
min_value /= 2
log.debug("min_value = %s, max_value = %s", min_value, max_value)
if unit == "s":
self.extra["max"] = "%g" % max_value + " (" + self.format_time(max_value) + ")"
self.extra["last"] = "%g" % data[-1][1] + " (" + self.format_time(data[-1][1]) + ")"
self.extra["max"] = "%g" % max_value
self.extra["last"] = "%g" % data[-1][1]
log.debug("collecting data")
v_data = []
for i in range(n):
t = data[i][0]
v = data[i][1]
if len(data[i]) >= 4:
v_min = data[i][2]
v_max = data[i][3]
v_min = data[i][1]
v_max = data[i][1]
x = t2x(t)
t_h = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(t))
y = v2y(v)
y_min = v2y(v_min)
y_max = v2y(v_max)
#print(t, t_h, x)
"t": t,
"v": v,
"x": x,
"y": y,
"y_min": y_min,
"y_max": y_max,
"color": self.criticalcolor(v),
log.debug("setting tickmarks")
log.debug("assembling svg")
html = ""
html += "<svg width=1150 height=300>"
for tm in self.x_tickmarks:
html += f"<line x1={tm['x']} y1=0 x2={tm['x']} y2=200 stroke='#CCC' />"
html += f"<text transform='translate({tm['x']}, 210) rotate(30)' fill='#888'>{tm['t_h']}</text>"
for tm in self.y_tickmarks:
log.debug("tm = %s", tm)
html += f"<line x1=0 y1={tm['y']} x2=1000 y2={tm['y']} stroke='#CCC' />"
html += f"<text x=1005 y={tm['y']} fill='#888'>{tm['v_h']}</text>"
for v in v_data:
html += f"<line x1={v['x']-3} x2={v['x']+3} y1={v['y']} y2={v['y']} stroke='{v['color']}' />"
html += f"<line x1={v['x']} x2={v['x']} y1={v['y_min']} y2={v['y_max']} stroke='{v['color']}' />"
html += "</svg>"
log.debug("len(html) = %s", len(html))
return Markup(html)
def as_html(self):
log.debug("in as_html")
return Markup(render_template("timeseries.html", widget=self))
def format_time(self, seconds):
value = seconds
unit = "s"
if value >= 365.25 * 86400:
value /= 365.25 * 86400
unit = "years"
elif value >= 86400:
value /= 86400
unit = "days"
elif value >= 3600:
value /= 3600
unit = "h"
elif value >= 60:
value /= 60
unit = "m"
elif value >= 1:
elif value >= 0.001:
value *= 1000
unit = "ms"
return f"{value:.2f} {unit}"
class Gauge(Widget):
def __init__(self, d):
gaugesize = 100
def gaugepos(self):
max_value = max([d[1] for d in self.lts.data])
max_value = max(max_value, 1) # ensure positive
log.debug("max_value = %s", max_value)
return self.lastvalue / max_value * self.gaugesize
def as_html(self):
self.lastvalue = self.lts.data[-1][1]
value = self.lastvalue
unit = self.lts.description["unit"]
log.debug("unit = %s", unit)
if unit == "s":
if value >= 365.25 * 86400:
value /= 365.25 * 86400
unit = "years"
elif value >= 86400:
value /= 86400
unit = "days"
elif value >= 3600:
value /= 3600
unit = "h"
elif value >= 60:
value /= 60
unit = "m"
elif value >= 1:
elif value >= 0.001:
value *= 1000
unit = "ms"
self.lastvalue_formatted = Markup(f"<span class='value'>{value:.2f}</span><span class='unit'>{unit}</unit>")
return Markup(render_template("gauge.html", widget=self))
# vim: sw=4