
import logging
import logging.config
import os
import socket
import time

from ltsdb_json import LTS

import config

log = logging.getLogger("process_queue")

node = socket.gethostbyaddr(socket.gethostname())[0]

class DiskFullPredictor:
    def match(self, lts):
        # measure=bytes_used, mountpoint=*
        if "measure" not in lts.description:
            return False
        if lts.description["measure"] != "bytes_used":
            return False
        if "mountpoint" not in lts.description:
            return False
        return True

    def run(self, lts):
        # find matching bytes_usable series
        desc = {**lts.description, "measure": "bytes_usable"}
        usable_lts = LTS(description=desc)
        # The two timeseries are always updated together, so the
        # timestamps should match exactly. But just in case we decide to
        # change that in the future accept a difference of up to an
        # hour.
        now = lts.data[-1][0]
        if abs(now - usable_lts.data[-1][0]) > 3600:
            log.warning("Timeseries %s and %s have different end times: %s vs %s",
                        lts.id, usable_lts.id,
                        now, usable_lts.data[-1][0])
        current_used_bytes = lts.data[-1][1]
        current_usable_bytes = usable_lts.data[-1][1]
        tuf = 1E9
        for d in reversed(lts.data):
            if d[1] < current_usable_bytes * 0.1:
                continue # for sanity
            if current_used_bytes ** 2 / d[1] > current_usable_bytes:
                log.info("d = %s, current_used_bytes = %s, current_usable_bytes = %s", d, current_used_bytes, current_usable_bytes)
                tuf = now - d[0]
        desc = {**lts.description,
             "measure": "time_until_disk_full",
             "node": node,
             "unit": "s",
             "remote_addr": "",
        lts = LTS(desc)
        lts.add(now, tuf)

processors = [

def process(lts):
    for processor in processors:
        if processor.match(lts):

while True:
    for id in os.listdir("queue"):
        lts = LTS(id=id)
        os.remove("queue/" + id)